Dune surfing in Dubai is a unique experience. The big sand dunes are to be found in the southern area of Dubai, near Hatta, and you need wide skis or big snowboards.
Snowboards are best, especially if the base is really hard to give a lot of slip. The problem with sand is that it is not as slippery as snow, and you can tend to sink into it if it is...too soft, but if you find the right sand and a nice big dune, you can get up quite a bit of speed. It’s usually the front of the boards that dip into the sand, and the secret is to lean back so as do dig the heel into the sand.
The sand dunes round Dubai can be from 100 to 300 ft high, and you might think it would be pretty tame compared to snowboarding down big mountains, but nothing is further from the truth. These dunes are really massive and you get a fabulous adrenaline rush just getting to the top in a dune buggy – and that’s before you even strap on the boards! When you look down some of these big dunes its like standing at the top of a massive yellow mountain without a single rock or a single blade of grass – no vegetation whatsoever. Then you set off.
Wow! Who said dune surfing was tame? There’s not a breath of wind, yet if feels like you are in a gale, shooting down an almost vertical slope and it is so surreal. You expect it be snow white rather than sandy yellow, and if you close your eyes it is just like snowboarding only it is so hot! The only problem is getting back to the top again. You really need someone with a dune buggy because it is quite a trek and your feet tend to sink into the sand. Two steps forward and one back sort of thing!
I have no idea how these guys you read about trekking across the desert ever managed it. It is very tiring walking in sand. It’s nothing like a beach, where the sand is wet and compacted. More like walking on a bed of soft dry sponge, if there is such a thing. The dune buggies are fantastic. They shoot up the dunes in no time and are themselves a bit of a thrill. You get a really good view of Dubai and the surrounding area from top of some of the really big guys.
Dune bashing is great fun. That is where you use buggies to shoot up and down the dunes and it can really be stomach-churning when you hit the top and shoot off down the other side. It’s not being able see what’s over the top that gets you. For all you know it could be a massive 1000 foot drop, but these drivers know their stuff and they are obviously well acquainted with the terrain.
Your boards should be wide, to avoid them sinking in the sand, and with a hard base. Formica is a good surface and you should wax them really well for maximum slip since you don’t get as much from sand as you do with snow. It’s still a good surface though, since the sand grains tend roll over each other as though you were surfing on millions of tiny glass balls.
The dunes round Dubai can be at a 45 degree angle or even steeper, but it really is quite an experience. If you fall, the sand is a bit more pleasant to fall into than snow. It’s warmer for a start, and that is something you will have to be careful about. If you are not used to the sun, the temperature can be 40 degrees or more, so make sure you are well protected with sun-blocker.
You are also advised to wear a Bedouin-style scarf round your mouth, nose and ears. The sand can get everywhere and these guys don’t dress as they do for no reason. When in Rome do as the Romans do, and this applies equally in Dubai.
Dune surfing in Dubai provides you with an experience that you will always remember, and if you really want some roller-coaster thrills try a spot of dune bashing with it. It’s a hair-raising thrill of a ride and you must give it a go!
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